

urgent care的相關標籤

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每週六,日是園區的參觀認養日歡迎您~ 開放時間:每個星期六日早上11點至下午5點 地址:台南市將軍區西甲里西湖112號 Google搜尋徐文良(徐園長護生園) 善的循環~分享愛💞 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1209273842580725&id=482873861887397 【兩隻餓成紙片的皮包骨-獒犬】 真的看不下去了🤬真是太可惡!太可惡了! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1244735419034567&id=482873861887397 【靈犬小白 親自找上門幫同伴求救】 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1079567298884714&id=482873861887397 記錄這些照片和影片,是要讓更多人知道,苦難還在,只是換了地方,換了受害對象 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1309643915877050&id=482873861887397 This is the place to adopt those stray dogs that have urgent requirement for the rescue managed by a private organization. In past several years already has servived several houndres stray dogs that have been injured illtreated To educate how to respect the all the life Este sitio es una organisacion para rescatar los perros callejaros y ya ha rescatado mas que 3000 perros que les dolian por humanos o Algunos necesitaron rescatar con emergencia especiatalmente La organisacion los curo y adoptalos por todas sus vidas Ensenar Como respectar todas Las vidas Here is not only an animal shelter but also a kind of NGO that gives stray dogs and cats an extra protection. Over 3,000 dogs all got hurt and be injured between life and death,now they live there and enjoy the carefree life at this family-owned shelter. Here is also a platform to initiate the idea of life education. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1091447774363333&id=482873861887397 All the dogs we rescured have experienced those injury by human we rescured and care them to give them a very safe life Doing what we should do we are sadden to see these lifes suffered from torture Hicimos lo que ayudemos por los perros callejaros que suferieon los torturas More than welcome to visit us to enjoy the moment with those dogs who suffered sorrow before 風火輪車隊所有隊員都是癱瘓,無法正常行走的狗狗 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=761740837334030&id=482873861887397

每週六,日是園區的參觀認養日歡迎您~ 開放時間:每個星期六日早上11點至下午5點 地址:台南市將軍區...